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May 2014
If i was her lover
I would have poetic *** in the ocean
reciting poetry to her
while I **** her

If i was her lover
She would be the mermaid of the ocean
Whom I am jealous to touch
and while I am here wading
wanting to make sweet love with its bride

If only I was her lover
I would whisper passions in her ear
like waves whispering on the shores
of her children

The water of the sea, he chokes me
surrounds me
but i am having poetic *** in the sea
with she

and i say to her, my lover
"i met a mermaid out in the sea
she came to me and poetic *** she needs
i grabbed her heart
and laid inside her
see i'm still a man who wants pleasure
and poetry together
i'm jealous of her lover
yet i'm having poetic *** with her
in the ocean"

My love moans
let's me own
her majestic bones
and her ravaged soul
is radiating
with every ******
beckoning passion
in this historic sensation
so intense
so loud
so real and unreal

and in her throes i hear
water logging in my ear
this moment here
of me ******* my lover
in the sea
i guess that's why they call it
******* poetry.
A girl and I were having an engaging conversation about running in the woods and diving into the nearby lake. She says she would run naked in the woods; it will be easier for her to win the race that way(i think that's cheating)
and so i got big ***** and i imagined how it would be, to scream poetry out in the sea, while having amazing *** with her.
so this is the baby of a *****.
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