But I have a stockpile of band-aids That I used to keep for myself They are yours now
And yes, You are hurt
But I have soft cherry lips That can kiss pain away I will share them with you
And those broken bones of yours? I have just the thing for them; Arms that brace injuries with an embrace
"What about my flaws?" you ask For those, take a look into my magic mirror That shows how perfect each flaw truly is
I cannot not forget The dark hole you are stuck in I know the feeling And you can borrow my shovel
And when you need the strength To dig yourself out, Look into the blue of my eyes I will help you carry on
I will do all that I can do To put band-aids on your wounds To kiss away the pain To wrap up every injury To dispel insecurities To give you the tools you need
To help you help yourself
To give you the warm sunlight you need In order to grow.