it grieves me the major dictionaries cannot agree on the longest word in the English Language
The Oxford English proposes: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Merriam-Webster champions: electroencephalographically and others list: floccinaucinihilipilification - but look, I am no counterrevolutionary and I'm not attempting any deinstitutionalisation but really the longest word in the English Language (and let's settle this once and for all, amicably) is: SMILE Why? because there's a mile between S and E... You see? Easy! Makes you wonder if the editors of major dictionaries are *visuallyintellectuallyfacialmuscularlychallenged
sources: wikipedia; and a kid who stunned with me with a riddle (I thought he was going to pull out a stun gun (you know how kids are nowadays) - but he pulled out a riddle. Still, stunned me. Kids nowadays! )