little girl I want you to keep everything that makes you strong I want you to treasure the reason you can still stand tall I want you to be wild and free with desire Ignore their calls, feed your fire
and little girl how can you be hurt so many times? your soul is young you tongue is gold I've never seen you yet turn cold and I want you to stay though you shan't be long so hold your head high little girl don't conform to the brokenness let your creaking be a different kind than the the overwhelming, the openness that wickedness has dared to spread little girl don't creep back with the rest Keep trying your best I don't want you left for dead
little girl you are only 65 I'm telling you you still have time so hold on to your wits and shine and then your glow might last my lifetime
I've been given a lot of advise recently from older people I will never meet again. I guess this would be my spiel to them.