A million miles away and there's thoughts about you here.
I lost my clothes on pictures and found I'm clothed with lustful tears...
Streams of a ****** has hit the air, And now my demon runs over my ambition like lights with a deer.
Talk about stuck between the rock and your hard place.. Now I'm questioning the four play over the Internet, we both stay where no one wants to lay.
A million miles away!!!
And suddenly I notice this is only fantasy?! Your my typical "deity" ...wait let me explain
My train has stopped and now I'm off line and seeing your no where near my wonderings.
Your not God but I made you a God what God can tell me I'm perfect? I'm looking unto him for a Job and the things I prayed about some point in time that I felt bound by a....
Guy...who took my lust.
Wow moment of clarity, I'm doing the same with you Ricky
I can't do this no more as you slowly stop texting me and I get off line and just walk away like you never knew me... ..how bout I don't text back to the first message you send me.
Leave the past in the past even when the future has one of your past tracks.