As I pass through the wish e washy Politics of my superficial mind The many false faces My eternal being remains Frustrated by the ineptitude Of my political , dishonest mind As my oceanic being is covered By a sheet of crusty cold ice The great masses in my being Feel disconnected and disillusioned By the elitist aspects of the Political mind who live on top
But as I begin to feel my internal council A silence from within vibrates with As the many chattering politicians Scurry and busy themselves I begin to drop deeper, to know My many political shapes How I dream to know the many Characters of my political being As to understand the lawmakers In is to understand my life Where do I find the honest council And who are the corrupt lying voices That whisper in my ear and make Secret deals behind closed doors Far far away from my conscious mind Who is that mischievous characters Always causing trouble the black adder
Although I do feel large and honest Politicians within my soul For they all sit around a long table That stretches from my solar plexus Up into my deep open chest Dressed in light blue I hear them Tirelessly working shuffling Their many papers Recording and studying making their Many decisions and communicating With all my many distant parts Finding a new intimacy with my self I unlock many doors within me As I search to please the Great masses within my soul
On entering the outside world My being shuffles past the many Black adders with a chuckle As he begins to enjoy Their mischievous ways My political mind becomes Purified by the the emotional Depths of my being , as I am Infused with a deep ocean blue From my bottomless heart As my path in this world Becomes lubricated in a rich oily blue Like a giant blue whale I effortless glide And as I meet the other I stand Within my my golden heart As my depths live on the outside For I carry my heart on my sleave As I search for the other a thousand Golden streams from my heart Descend into me Penetrating all of me To find all my honesty As I seek to unlock the other By unlocking many doors in me
The political mind can be mischievous But it can be a great servant When in touch with our deep blue depths And the golden threads leading to our heart
Well this is different see what you think probably to long but i do seem to really struggle when asked to shorten them . Maybe i should leave them in the oven longer