Perhaps one day you'll mention casually just in passing as though it were no big thing, that a poet fell in love with you once, years ago before she was a poet even before she was ready to be she, that at the time you'd not thought it worth mentioning lest it disturb the equilibrium
Or perhaps it might be thrown forth with emphasis, triumphantly when that equilibrium has been disturbed by other events and accompanied by the expressed wish that you'd taken that alternative route when it was available
Perhaps you'll step forward and claim your place in these words as muse, as inspiratrix proudly proclaiming that you were adored to this extent that the love that could not be expressed in touch or taste, in immersion of the senses in physical intimacy was expressed instead in lasting verse
Or perhaps you may keep this inside locked away telling no one for all your days hiding this secret from the world maybe in time yet far away to be discovered stumbled upon with incredulity by some person you leave behind
I shall never reveal this truth directly but there are clues here and there that if followed may lead some to suspect, but none that would reveal with any certainty who you are because this secret is yours to keep or reveal, not mine