If I wrote suicide note... It wouldn't be a love letter If I wrote a suicide note Would you be in it Would it sadden your conviction Would you be my hopeful light that made me leave with a smile If you read the note Would tear ducts flow Would you caring make a difference Woul I be pushed aside or would it be more delibrate If I wrote a suicide note Do you think I would end it Would life crush me to the point Thyat I would morlly want to end it When you read it and the truth spilled out Could it make or brake your attention My hateful restitution My loving resolution What would be the reason Today or tomorrow If you wrote a suicide note Would i be in it or make the difference
Have you ever thought every consequential second me just exsisting or emotions thick as resin Would you cry knowing I did. The guilt would it **** you that I lived and you weren't around to care or do anything about it. If you were there and tried as hard as you could and love me with warmth and not responsibility as I would you. I left it in the note as my best and worst