I have never feared the silence of alone, and I am not; comforted now by, the fast laughter of children in the streets below, the rhythmic hum of a wild beasts' idle release, as it tamely lays within my thought; A broken seal reveals the birds beyond this proper cage; and the fighting limbs, searching for the heart of light between the trees; I am not alone. I have hands pressing my thighs at night; I have a remainder inside left to breathe, till bodies cannot contain a mold; I am not alone as this condition crowds around a boundless sadness; I am not alone; till there is you; and the fear lets free, and bounded birds are clearly seen, as failing latches struggle to give and release. and the sun. the sun sighs for its last collide and I am almost lost inside someone else's thought; yet, I am not alone, as we press our eyes against this page and pretend that, beyond this thought, that I am not alone.