And the winds blew out change like birthday candles burning, scolding heat lashing endings and wishes with a tongue so sharp it cut glassy tears kissing back stray hair from flushed cheeks - the question rolls out like a gurney how did you flail now? let me count the ways the little piggy crossed till the line faded from view to kick up the leaves of a book the book that two finger stepped to dreams come true till Cinderella, beauty faded became a cuckold hen till the princess found her pea and frigged herself till Rapunzel tore her hair from the roots till Bambi, a bullet ******* his gut took four hours to die till wee wee wee became I and me till the world turned upside down and inside out to beckon a day when the question must be answered to submit to the swaddling bindings of consequence and pay penance for daring to believe.