I'd rather be with friends than on the receiving end of another certification of my value in the tainted nation fated to find its way back to masters who offer no explanation as to why they cast this draining paper into a world that could be castless if only we checked our own behaviour.
I'd rather be with friends than working on a promised future my abuser talking of a nuisance youth and pointing fingers saying 'useless' while they stuff us into suits and boots that bare no resemblance to the feet that marked our ascendance, I seek not vengeance for the things we lost I simply wish to reduce the cost of being what we've become cold and lost and to continue what we've begun to press on despite the cost and animosity and all the atrocities despite this we strive to build a world that tempers its ferocity and lets me be.
With friends.
About: Wanting to build a life with my friends rather than going off to be 'successful'.