I have rituals for the first day of class like a superstitious athlete they get me into a good frame of mind where I feel like a juggernaut who has total agency and doesn’t need to seek validation It’s a moment in time
I have all my books—stacked on my desk they look serious—very nuts and bolts I’ve beaten the syllabuses to death to try to figure out where my power lies learning is all energy, it’s a marathon it’s hard to sustain that for the entire semester so not switching off, now and then, is unrealistic
Still, I’m comfy in in a classroom (I’m a senior) Good students are just a little weird. I say hello to the moon so she won’t feel alone I say ‘cheers,” before taking a shot of mouthwash. If I lose my ID, my lucky pencil or something, I call out, “treasure hunt!” When treating everyone to grubHub I ask, ‘the usual?’ When we’re done I ask, ‘how was everything this evening?’ If I see a random girl looking fabulous, I tell her, because if I get complimented, I think about it for a week. . . A song for this: Thetan by Single Gun Theory
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 03/19/25: Juggernaut = something unstoppable