Weighed down in the longest part of each darker day Kicking rocks to find that missing spark and maybe see some gray This is where time reaches maximum decay Would I notice losing and entire day? At what point will it become my choice not to stray? I can't complain if I choose to stay
I'm drowning in the confusion of life's word play If I can only hold my breath just a little longer than the mayday "By tomorrow this will already be yesterday"
But I'm needed today
I can't remember to ask you to remind me not to put this on you so forgive me but refresh me, What was you and what got through that I had to say? I wonder that in the best way I also mess up royally, here's a pocket dossier I'm in no place to judge the price to pay
Try to keep the fears And two lifetimes of multiple parallel timelines of tears at bay But there on the floor I lay Once again I find myself in my own way I danced with the devil under the pale moon light It was such an intricate ballet Just for me to say Nothing good comes that isn't then stripped away