Everyone knows children are usually pure of heart Moreover, their creativity is almost impossible to beat So, we should listen to the child within us Let flow a vast pool of ideas Pouring back and forth from every corner of the mind Remember, a child is most willing to bend This allows him/her to think out of the box Thereby significantly increasing the chances of success We must be free and secure, like a child Even when we grow old This way, we can always be happy Even when we don't get our way Which will happen a number of times An adult mind is complex Which often leads him/her to overthink And once we begin to overthink We will get trapped in a vicious circle And in our demons' court, will be the ball Thus, we will be in a perennial state of anxiety Even if we embody honesty and integrity Hence, it is important to encourage the child within us And follow our instincts Well, maybe not all the time But at least from time to time Because, the child represents freedom An escape from boredom And most importantly, flexibility Which leads to more positivity And helps get ride of the clutter in our minds So essential for achieving inner peace Hence, I will say it once and for all In the child's court, should be the ball!
Poem on why it is so important to listen to and encourage the child within us.