I am consumed by negative spaces, floating in between death and the void, looking for reason that won't come and there is no use in running from darkness when it's what brought us here at birth and the only thing we part with in the dirt
If the way out is through, why do they stay and mock the despair behind my eyelids? They laugh as I search for purpose that doesn't exist in lieu of aliens that I swear are real when reality has always been my achilles heel
It's a dance of avoiding gravity until inevitably strikes a heavy blow that life is random circumstance siphoning into black holes, a collection of moments that we will forget to remember, but how does one find peace without answers?
Daylight starts peeking in to see if I'm okay, I disguise the sentiment as irrelevant when I could really use a break from this carousel of fear that only wants me to want more as if I am owed a life that is somehow past due, checked out by someone who was less afraid to step outside of their room
Sunlight omits more concern over reckless abandonment as it greets my pacing force, but there is no stopping what was designed without brakes, carried by all the love and hate that glorifies impulse to sift through emptiness- a sacrifice to this blank screen that consumes me with dread over a deathless dream stuck inside my head