Under the current currents This maelstrom pulls to the bottom Drown out all sound and colors as they bleed Into the monochromatic release The dark can see in the very light you hold Bioluminescent under the black lit citadels Reveal secrets in neon tell-tale epitaphs Tomes scrolling our invocations into life.
What is done in the black dark soon comes to light Monsters all come alive, Devour love and insight your fright, But it’s not, how you remember these Torrid torrential memories Raining down like meteors crashing upon the sea Fires burning but you’re caught in a freeze So before it burns away, melting everything down to a stave I want it all, one last confession, and count your blessings, The tide will erase. Start on a new unaltered page.
Where do good angels Go to burn their wings? Under the current of your currents Coalesce into a verse Tethered as one as the song carries on Bite the bullet, and know for certain What’s done in the dark comes to light And you shine so bright under the blackest Through torrid torrential memories, The tide will erase, start on a new unaltered page What would you write if the right could see Through your heart and past misery, Could the trauma efface, the love panned across the face If you truly sat upon the graves, Monsters dancing moribund across your brain Burn your wings, and coalesce
I want to shine in your darkest.
Working on a conceptual based collection, everything in that collection will be noted in my author notes here as "Dark Light Culture" or "DLC"