What if I’m not enough for you? I know that I’m not enough For You. Is it too much to ask For praise, a smile, a laugh? But I’m met with silence And it’s breaking me down When will it be okay? When will you at least glance at me to say That I’m anything worth acknowledging? Is my effort in vain? Am I walking the wrong direction, Or was there never a right path in the First place? Do you hear anything I plead, Or was I never talking to you at all? To a brick wall? No, To the empty expanse of void where there’s No one To hear my words Except myself I want to hear your voice But I can’t Because at this point I can’t hear anything. Not because I’m deaf But because you were right And I got tired of my own Voice But for my sake, For my life’s sake, Is it too much to ask That you’ll wait for me at the end of the tunnel And tell me That that light Was ever a chance worth taking? Or Was it never meant for me at all?