Small hands clutching tight, strings of laughter tethered to floating dreams— bubbles of wonder.
Sand-filled toes in shoes, quick feet dancing through my greatest dreams of who she will be.
Soft kisses from lips formed from my own heart, melting into a stream to her future.
Sweet songs of her love, belted with fervor from within the small, light-flowered sundress.
Mischievous smiles, doll-filled hands spinning games that fill the day with her glow of joy.
Bright eyes signaling a future, brilliant as the twinkle of stolen stars.
Trusting, complete love, holding tight to life as it drifts beyond, on bubbles of wonder
Adjusted line breaks and reworded some phrases to enhance readability and meaning (e.g., "as the twinkle of stolen stars" instead of "the stars they've stolen").
"as it drifts beyond, on bubbles of wonder" subtly reinforces the bittersweet nature of time passing, without losing the lightness.
"Mischievous" is kept intact for readability, and "light-flowered sundress" smooths out that phrase.