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Mar 10
You are an absolute gem of a friend
By nature, very kind
But at the same time, seldom do you not speak your mind
Whether it be good or bad
A wonderful colleague, you were
And an even better friend, you are!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Once you start talking, there is no end
So up-to-date, on a variety of topics
Cricket, movies, music, food, religion, politics
I can go on and on
To humankind, are you a veritable boon!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Always, do you stand your ground
Irrespective of the situation
Beyond your capabilities, is no complication!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
And one of a kind
Very sharp, is your mind
You use your wits to no end
No wonder, are you such a good judge of character
You are as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Vivek and you share an amazing bond
So happy am I, to know him as well
The faith you both have in Jesus is surreal!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
And your children are pure gold
In you, do I forever place my trust
Sharing things with you helps get a massive load off my chest
Well, hopefully we will meet soon
May you keep shining like the Sun!!
Poem dedicated to Rene, a very dear friend and former colleague of mine.
Ashwin Kumar
Written by
Ashwin Kumar  35/M/Mumbai
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