We feel the same way I know why you choose to be alone There are so many things in this world That I too cannot comprehend But, we already know so much You and I We're two brains Thinking of the same puzzles However, we were never supposed to meet
Perhaps, when you and I Have surrendered the sea of thoughts The waves that continue to keep pushing us back to the shore Back to where there's comfort Or not
We feel the same way If only we could not read so much into things Not so much with the thoughts The concepts Theories Ideas If we try not so hard to understand Every detail–– every/group/of/words/put/together We would not end up Finding ourselves unable to understand the WHOLE The big reasons As to WHY we question Or we DO not question And the most miserable of them all Why are WE here?
We feel the same way I know why you choose to be Alone The waves would continue crashing before T h e v a s t n e s s o f t h e s e a The gloom In the moonless night be sure to come back to The shore.
let your mind wander, then slowly, let it return where it is safe, where it won't drown