The day came when silence consumed my mind. My mouth no longer had the strength to speak the thoughts that haunted me, keeping sleep far from my grasp.
I left behind the warmth that once made me feel safe and wandered into unknown paths where flowers bloom all year round, where the scent of the sea follows you wherever you go.
Where once, a small child took its first steps, hoping to find a friend.
But the day came when everything was erased, and a violent new beginning was forced upon the world. The child had no friends and was driven back into the loneliness of solitude.
The sea fell silent. Its scent no longer carried memories memories of your mother unwrapping your lunch, saying: "Come, eat something, Giorgos. Don’t go into the water just yet, you’ll sink."
Just as the universe itself sank into darkness. The flowers vanished. No one felt safe anymore.
No one sleeps now. Dreams have turned into waking nightmares, lurking in every mind that has chosen to remain silent.
It feels like something is eating you from the inside out, slowly, until it’s too late.
There are no sensations. No dreams. And nowhere left to go except for the few steps this sickness still allows you to take.
Written while i was possessed by a lingering shadow.