Its strange. My thoughts, my emotions, my feelings. They are a construct, I don’t even know,
The music I love listening to, into the books I enjoy sinking into, the poems i adore to fill with words and sentences are so versatile that they are all contradictory in themselves,
They are neither special, unique or profound. They are simply a manifestation of what I feel inside, how I think things, how I perceive my emotions.
They should not be praised or appreciated, otherwise you allow them infinity, you allow them to remain eternal,
Curiosity spreads through me. It makes things accessible, but above all understandable. It puts you in a position to see things from a different perspective,
I believe that when you are severely depressed and have a borderline personality disorder, perspective is the most important tool you have. It allows you to perceive the shape, every angle, every detail, to recognize how it differs from all the other shapes, details, angles,
So what is curiosity for me? It is the curiosity to be curious. You can't be curious if curiosity is unknown to you.