AB - ..Baby rejection is protection, We were never ever the same, Self awareness and common sense meets logic, The human brain can only do so much, Consciousness electrifying beyond universes, Thoughts racing into better circumstances, Better choices, So be mad when its you I would erase, you are a phase, Don't betray my trust , it could get ugly, Make up a sob excuse for what you did, waddle like a little puppy, This world is a joke and when it ends , it still will begin.. ● A.R. - They say it’s best To expect the harm From other human beings. Its yours anyway If you ignore it. Your fate, your fault Your flaw.
No excuse for innocence Even if we all Join this world With it intrinsic.
**** that.
There’s an obscene arsenal of barbs And daggers. Piled up on the hardwood floor.
A Battle Royale In waiting. But I won’t touch A single one. Not even for the shadows.
Cut me down And I’ll be shorter But I’ll never be Anyone but Me.