There was Old Person of Crete Who walked on the ***** of his feet: When they asked why it was, he responded, "Because," That taciturn Person of Crete.
There was an Old Person of Finland Whose cabin was upland and inland: He lived in a region where birds spoke Norwegian, That flapperous Person of Finland.
There was an Old Man of Geneva Who had an encounter with Shiva: They patty-cake played in a hornet-loud glade, Shiva and the Man of Geneva.
There was a Young Lady of Paris Whom ****** couldn't embarrass: She wandered the city with ***** and ***** Exposed to the city of Paris.
There was an Old Husband of Arles Whose wife had a passion for quarrels: All day and all night she'd invite him to fight, That exhausted Old Husband of Arles.
There was an Old Man of Kyoto Who mastered supremely the koto: His tea was the greenest, his dragon the meanest, His koto the best in Kyoto.
There was an Old Man of Algiers Who listened with elephant ears To streams and to trees and to birds and to bees That delighted the Man of Algiers.
There was a Young Lady of Arles Who married a ****** named Charles: When they asked, "Does it fit?" she replied, "Not a bit!" That unsatisfied Lady of Arles.
There was an Old Man with a beard Whose ****** expressions were weird: He'd grimace when glad and he'd twinkle when sad, That curious Old Man with a beard.
There was an Old Man Of Japan Whose limericks would never Ever Scan, that instupendious Old Man of Japan.