I am a poetic heart that wants to speak in prose – about the pros and cons about being in love, or being alone. But don't you go tripping on your words; you might just fall in love tonight. And I know her girlfriend is going to preach to me tonight, and I might just listen to avoid another fight.
She knows I've got a contraband of controversial thoughts, and I wonder if I ever manage to cross the border, will I find my mouth? While closing my eyes to the sun— the horizon never felt so dark! But if we cross swords to spar, could we eventually make a spark?
But when your tears are burning in my hands; which blisters do I call my scars, while losing the bite for time; like all the missing teeth you find on the floor of popular bars.
I look in the mirror, and it still asks me who I am; whether or not I'll choose to follow old plans — should the white in my eyes look at all the things I like, and conquer those lands? But my black dots are still slaved to themselves; when we seem to be strangers to ourselves. I still shut my eyes when I look at myself!