Pushing the ground away - with iron cutoff The sough interlight of toller - outgoes From islands - floating - in the choir Collisions - of world state waves Counteract - of contradictions Forgot to remember - throughout from the depths Eroded - fractures - cuirass of theirs - is moss And shrouded - with sprouting - cold wrists Dew trails - hands flooded - To wash the soot of the blood from one's face - Up to phalangeals - lacerated - spring of pyrexia Mindbreak - helplessly curdled Seeing - far-heading stabs to inhale Trouncing to raise - the head up - In the fratricide craving Hum - and of body parts - ocean Blind sea-gulls - skrike - and anthracites' ****** - is in embrace interlocked Drogues - are not eaten to bone - and no brink- Of - he-li-o-cen-tri-cly driven - Mound - and weak swellings - Nauseating headrush Endowing to - entrails - of cascade Dissonance - limbs - apart