This ship is sinking. Your sea, violent. Lightning flashes through my mind. There are so many words I have for you. They try to make their way past my lips, but they are krill trapped in a baleen maw. Instead they take a pill, fall asleep inside my head. These watery words rise above me. They travel down my throat and into my lungs. I thought I took enough air before I went under. How wrong I was. Calm.Quiet.Ocean. Deafening. I'm wriggling now. My eyes frantically searching. The abyss stares back. Thereβs a weight in my chest. Blue.Green.Silver. An anchor pins me to your ocean floor. Waves have swallowed me whole. Jetsam tumbling through like driftwood on high seas. I set my eyes on two green jewels glittering bewitchingly. I'm locked on them. Two lighthouses guiding me through this storm. I should swim away from them. Instead they draw me near, beckoning to me. I dive down. I am under their thrall. I swim hard, I swim fast. My chest compresses. Iβm out of breath. My body thrashes and then surrenders. I never had a chance. Tiny bubbles make their way upward like small galaxies holding the last of me.