I will write today. I will write about something totally abstract, but the knots will untangle and form a photo of you. I will try to ignore you, I will try to not write about you, but today, I will fail.
September 28, 2033
I will have forgotten about you for many years, and on this day, when I go to write a grocery list, your name will flow out of my pen. I feel like a fire when I think of you.
June 22, 2056
I will remember you today, and I will be okay with it. I will think about you with a smile on my face, and I will be content.
June 16, 2091
Today is the day I will die, and when seven seconds of my happiest moments are flashing through my mind, I will not see you once, and I will perish with a smile.
Ego quid verus amor sit cognovi, et nunc vidi te nihil dedisse.