Fireflies dance beneath the moonlit sky Their firey tails blazing thousands of suns Flashing in harmonious rhythm To a song known only to spirits of the forest Where trees root themselves to a verdelant chorus Swaying in soft waltz as the wind caresses green boughs Groaning under the weight of the starry firmament
<A reflection from above to what is below>
An infinity of dazzling diamonds winking in starlight Tune themselves to the melody of distant earth Where moon bathes the world in grey washed relief Illuminating the new born fawn that prances in sync To his mother's cautious attention Her eyes reflecting love in full as Luna guards her young Beneath the light of midnight
Behind her, a chirping symphony of raucous crickets Reached a vibrating crescendo which echoes across the land A ringing accompaniment to the bass dravel of the wayward toad Whose thump, thumping excites the prowling fox To pounce about in a furry pirouette in an attempt to seize the treble Of the screeching barn owl that cuts through the night Spinning in a controlled dive bomb of deadly talons Searching for their late night victim whose screams Provide the lyrical movement to which nature plays master To the goings on of life, beyond the light of the day
In the distance, a lone whippoorwill cries in anguish As the sun rises and dawn brings an end to his song