Whenever I feel confident enough To tackle all that is tough It is you, who will get the credit Because, your passion is almost impossible to beat On the other hand, whenever am I down I know I am not alone Because, your fiery writing fills me with hope And ensures I no longer mope Well, I am a fan of quite a few poets Yet, very few produce the kind of effect That you somehow manage to do without even breaking a sweat Your work sounds a red alert To the entire Indian literary scene Which has an unfortunate obsession With being politically correct You, on the other hand, are so direct That you tackle every single issue head-on Greatly do I admire, your grit and gumption Though I share not, your profession Always, do I derive motivation From your never-say-die spirit Thus, bit by bit Do I summon the courage and strength To do my very best Fighting every single fear and insecurity And climbing the huge wall of positivity Which would ultimately lead me to success Of course, I do fail sometimes But thanks to you, afraid am I not To push the limits And never will I give up Because, again, you fill me with so much hope That even the impossible suddenly becomes possible And the possible becomes probable Thank you so much, Dear Comrade! Jai Bhim!! Vaazgha Periyar!!
The effect the fiery novelist, poet, translator, academic and anti-caste activist Dr Meena Kandasamy often produces on me has to be seen to be believed!!!