She doesn't know where she's been the past few months. Living in a bad nightmare.
Depersonalization. Derealization.
As the robot mask of herself pulls her along. Drags her through it.
As her personality fades, Sense of self depletes.
Others question why, or why she couldn't have prevented this.
"You should have known better" - A phrase that feels like a dagger piercing her heart.
Blame Shame Fault.
She's a bird with a broken wing.
Mere months ago, this wasn't the case. She was a bird soaring high. Felt helpful, useful, proud. Ecstatic to be using her knowledge for good and supporting and advocating for those she cared about most. Using her intelligence and learning.
How dare you shame her blame her. She has more guts and strength than you'll ever know. She conquered darkness, a feat few can say.
She built a life worth living, and now that's slipping away.
So call her flakey Call her stupid
Judge her all you want.
But she knows she is powerful courageous brave insightful reflective
A force to be reckoned with A phoenix rising from the ashes.
She'll shut other voices out Listen to herself Come to terms with her self doubt and forge forward reclaiming her Self