A mendacious murmuration of black pixels dance a fractal fandango against the pale pink sky telling you that all is well with the world. A susurration of complacency– above the exhaust-scented streets of Birmingham’s melting asphalt– whispers, “Don’t worry, ignore the heatstroke starlings dropping from the sky onto viscous pitch dark bitumen”.
The original idea for this poem was the phrase "mendacious murmuration" Mendacious - lying and murmuration the word that describes a flock of starlings swirling randomly at sunset. I chose the word susurration because of the consonance with complacency - I think the meaning of susuration - a hissing whispering sound is not only onomatopeic but also suggests something sinister.
The underlying narrative ids not that nature lies - but er choose to be misled into thinking all is well.