I feel little, Compared to the poets whos' poems trend for days. If they came 'hot off the press,' They'd burn the printer's office down. Their flow is perfect, and every poem has a clear purpose in their line up. How can I be like them? Traveler, Peter Garrett, Ben Noah Suresh, All big names. They have years of experience compared to me, Traveler's poem trended so much it's temperature matched the year. If I asked nicely, Could he teach me how to make my poems great? I learn so much from every poem on here I read, Liana's a person, a poet, a vine. That nobody cares about the number on the scrapbook poem, They just care they're there. I write because I want to show people a window into my life, But deep down there's a part of me, That wants to be famous more than anything. So here I am, Feeling little, Feeling small.
Hope nobody's offended by the shoutouts, I love everybody's work on here, this is my favorite place on the whole wide web.