A very close friend, have you become Somehow, do you always manage to beam Irrespective of the situation Whenever I experience tension It is you, who ensures calm Thanks to you, a better person have I become!
A very close friend, have you become Twice, have I been to your home Never, have I not been treated like a family member Your children, I really adore You yourself are a wonderful wife and mother Not to mention, a colleague to die for!!
A very close friend, have you become Forever, are you welcome at my home Always, have you supported me till the very end We share an unbeatable bond A very sweet and caring person, you are A truckload of difficulties, do you bear But you possess an indomitable spirit Hence, are you able to ace every single test Which life throws at you As a friend, I love you!!
A very close friend, have you become I know you will forever be with me To be associated with such a lovely person Is something I consider a great fortune May you be blessed with loads of love, success, happiness and peace And may the force be with you, now and always!!
Dedicated to my colleague Namrata; who has ended up becoming a very close friend of mine.