The moon, joined first,
With her long flowing hair,
Looks fondly upon her friend.
She strokes her hand, once, with care,
Reassures her with gentle words;
"To defy you? No one would dare."
The girl whom she comforts,
The heart which she tends,
Soul strengthened with courage and fight.
Across stars, universes, reaches to all ends,
Calls on her family, her comrades,
Her allies and friends.
They answer at once,
Some come quick, some come not,
But the she can gather enough.
Some tensions runs high, relationships taught,
Heartbreak, betrayal, loving and trust,
Scars won from the battles they've fought.
An army of stars, led in by their mother,
A figure so gentle but chiding.
She's clumsy, she stumbles,
But steps up and brings good tidings.
Smile shines, so bright,
That it's blinding.
The rhyming scheme is very off but I'm having fun