I choose my battles wisely I choose my words carefully I know when to retreat I know when to be quiet and my silence says everything but it’s her lack of understanding that will not listen yet she continues on as all sense and logic goes out the window I watch the lips move frantically I watch the chin quiver like an earthquake I watch the inferno eyes flare up wildly as sour tears roll down sullen cheeks I remain unresponsive and copacetic which drives her into total madness more and more she continues on as my nerves grind down to sulfur and my worth gets skinned alive she has stripped away everything of mine: happiness, joy, dignity there’s nothing more for me to do here but sit and wait in my own mind. I wait for the energy to deplete I wait for the useless rancor and rage to die down I wait for the flustered face to release the stress and fear. better days will come, this I’m sure of but not right now, right now I’m thinking about picking up my daughter from trick or treating while she slams doors and hyperventilates over things I couldn’t quite possibly comprehend.