I'm not going To hide my story Anymore My name Is none of your business My age Is also none of your business But here goes
I have been bullied Since kindergarten But last year It was awful It started normal Just light things About my clothes Hair Or **** like that But then It got worse
First I told my friend That I got diagnosed with ADHD and I have no idea how But it spread around And they used that against me The called me a r***** They made fun of me
Second I got diagnosed With depression and anxiety And same thing happened It spread around They mocked me I would get panic attacks I couldn't breathe And they would mimic me Surrounding me
Third They made fun of my weight They called me skinny Picked me up Without consent And called me tiny So i started eating more I overate in order to gain weight Hoping they would leave me alone But they didnt They noticed And called me fat And that's where things started going down quicker
I starved myself I would go days without eating I sometimes still do I made myself throw up I sometimes still do And guess what They noticed. They made fun of me
Fourth My addictions got worse I started cutting myself Every day And guess what!! They ******* noticed! They made fun of me Probably not even knowing What they were Then I became more suicidal Than before I attempted Multiple times
Fifth My parents found out I got sent to the hospital Got sent to a therapist And I realized If I hadnt lied to the doctors I would have been sent to a mental hospital
Sixth My parents obsessed over my eating disorder They forced me to eat When i couldnt Because now I am too afraid to eat Because I'm scared That the bullies will come back again Whenever im near food I hear their voices Taunting me Laughing at me
And throughout this whole experience (In nothing but a year and a half, i might add) I had a toxic friends Who hurt me Never had anything kind to say And now I dont know why But we are still "friends".
So Thats my story I know most people here probably dont care, but there you go The cat is out of the bag