Ms Anderson, Ms Anderson, Wherefore art thou my teacher? Grant my pen a poet's gift Let me scribble my pencil thin, Writing, kindling your blossom smile. You, beautiful as you flip my file Which has me commit to your homework, while Sitting at home with a radiant smile.
Ms Anderson, Ms Anderson, Wherefore art thou my teacher? 'tis true, nobody's perfect -- nobody but you. Naughty I was and punish you did that's true. "Write, 'I will listen in class.'" you said demure, "on each line of those two pages; and stop being immature." I'd Sit and contemplate, drool and scribble, "Lovely miss Anderson. My miss Anderson"
Ms Anderson, Ms Anderson, Wherefore art thou my elder? Were you younger, by a decade or two, I grant I'd hop and merrily skip, With you on the park and buy you a sweet. I'd look in your eyes, and call you Anderson. My dear Anderson.