My faith is the certainty that gives me clarity to see that there’s a path just beneath the current uncertainty.
My faith is a step, a one step at a time not much of a leap, but me taking his hand with mine. My faith is a day-by-day holding, a minute-by-minute treading of my boot in his footmarks left for me as a blessing.
My faith is choice that needs repeated repeating, a daily seating at his feet, it's not a fleeting feeling, it’s a morning and evening both-knees kneeing.
My faith is a decision and decisions were made to be made, so pray, take him at his word and take the next step, but don’t be surprised if it involves you getting both feet wet. Cos that is where you’ll find Jesus at the point you find yourself out of your depth.
My faith is the certainty that gives me clarity to see that whatever my path, my God has gone before me.