Do we value money more than the time it takes to achieve it? We waste our lives for it? I waste my life for what? My priorities for what? Missions, goals, dreams, for what? I waste life on things I find more interesting than essays about people long put in the dust. I hunger for highs, good times, but I get lows, work is important but how much– for certain?– I do not know. I draw back from application, while wishing for balance. Instead of working hard I found it easy to survive off of talent. I want to learn, yet haven’t grown, to find the equipoise of work and play. I know what I do instead. I spend my time lazily, convincing myself at every turn that tomorrow will wait for me, that I’ll have time and enough time to finish everything, and everything well.
I recently started college, and procrastination is kicking my (yeah). School has been difficult and I haven't done a lot of writing. But this is something that i felt inspired to pen. thanks for reading :)