To Poetry or not to Poetry, that is the Question!! Shall I write poetry or not write poetry? That is the question Shall I recite poetry or not recite poetry that is a suggestion Shall I study poetry or not study poetry that is an observation Can I be loved or not be loved that is the affection Can I deal with life or not deal with life that is called Life's Lessons Can I share my feelings or not share my feelings they would be my Expressions Shall I acknowledge or not acknowledge These are my confessions. If I will, if I won't, if I can, if I don't If I must, I will try to continue as I write. To Poetry or not to Poetry, that is the Question!! I would say yes If I was asked to do so, I would do it as a Profession
B.R. Date: 12/7/2022
I was feeling a little Hamlet-ish by William Shakespeare while writing this. I hope this is Ok! Well, I did study him a little in school.