Hobbled by the sun, and laid prostrate by days of degenerate behavior. Days of nothingness, and worse. Only writing could save me.
Poor and lonely. No warm woman to hold. No *****. No home. But, I had my writing. It let the light in, and buffered me from the crowds of scarecrows with sewn on smiles.
Writing keeps me immortal and kills the pain. It soothes the mice lost in the maze, and brings the stray cat home to a house where he's safe. Writing is the pillow that keeps my head up, and my heart engaged.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read from my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjeCroHYQxU I also have a brand new limited edition book, Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories, available on Booksie