I fell over the other day, Silly and embarrassing really, Also ****** painful and in truth? Avoidable!
But it got me thinking because I was pulling on a rope when it happened, A rope that then gave way, It doesn't matter how,
And as I fell I grasped that natural fibre cord Even harder as if it Even then would save me
From the painful landing, No breaking fall, No twist or roll just falling Holding a slack hempen line,
But we all do this in life, We hold our dreams long past The point where they Even slightly may come true,
We grasp them ever tighter Even as they slip through the fingers Of our hearts And lonely souls
Until we land as I did In a heap - covered not in mud But in the knowledge not sjust That it is over (whatever "it" may be)
So much as that it never was
Nor in fact would ever be
Okay maybe I banged my head upon the woodland floor but I often see people who have just realised their dreams were never going to happen. The light leaves their eyes even as they sadly put down the rope and clamber to their feet