The morning dew drops fell to their rest Little stars shine moonlight reflections Each reminiscent of the different dimensions To which water can be a part For on the tapestry of earthy green leaves A universal ballet is being rehearsed As spinning fractals dance to the rhyming crickets Whose choir hums to a classical melody That soars as high as ancient redwoods Towering above the dew drops as they pilè Into a pirouetting waterfall Whose crash sends cosmic waves Of pitter pattering percussion That quickly rises to a triumphant crescendo ••• Only to fall silent as the first light of morning Transforms the dewy pantheon Into glorious diamonds of golden rays Whose attitude stands defiant Against the altitude of the coming vault Back to the skies from which dew cried A forlorn mist longing to reach the clouds And escape the terrestrial embrace Whose gravity forever tugs with tidal force Turning mist to rain to fall in stars Droplets destined to reunite with the lonely night And once again dance to the dew drop ballet
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