The last day of the year, and I paid a visit to show my respects To attempt to humble my flesh To give my reflection of a failed man I Who designated days of joy saved up from past jobs/relationships Felt the lightning crash into my soul Thinking it took the weird from one to half my whole self I came to the plot Twisting rose petals into my palm And sprinkling them at her feet Asking for forgiveness in a futile plea I needed someone to speak to, and in this case Spirits only speak to those who don't come forth weak with intentions Renditions of "Wash Me" running through my mind In all white, I delivered a bouquet A brief say A respite from desperation, my soul hath claimed Prayed for her rest, her family's best, and a ceasing of my shameful pain Hell, at one point, I thought I messed up her name. Not even nervousness Just urgently purging in the place where "my mama" 'nem stay Pennies in her best number A purple candle and rattle to battle back bad energies The wind was so telling, that I couldn't even catch my breath Running from reality I asked for clarity in love through death.