I didn't want to sleep when I'm next to you I couldn't dare to close my eyes Fearing I might have to sleep away my occurring living action dream I was afraid, I might have to not see you ever again Like a dream It might perish
So I stayed awake Had a closer look at your features Tender soft looking expression Squishy sleepy babyface Lips that I wanted to kiss more But I hesitated I didn't want to wake you up
I felt peace for awhile during that day Your presence brought peace into my personal territory and it felt nice
I touched your face Poked your nose Felt your beards with my fingertips They went rushing to your chest Your heart was beating fast I wished the moment lasted longer
I wasn't sure If I was dreaming Or daydreaming Or going all delusional from my madness But I loved it, every single second And I wish it could happen again
But then I woke up again the next day Feeling unhappy Empty You weren't next to me 08052021