We met about seven years ago And I had the great pleasure Of working with you You were warm and friendly As well as extremely helpful and supportive Whenever I got stuck on a mandate I knew I could turn to you for guidance However, the best part was You were uber cool Nothing could ever shake you And even if I struggled sometimes You never pushed me to deliver Something that I appreciated immensely Of course, you were my Team Lead But you are also a good friend of mine Though it's been a very long time Since we last met We have been keeping in touch Every now and then You not only put up with my rants But also advise me from time to time Whether it be work or personal issues I am also very happy That you are now a mother I'm sure you will do wonders As a mother and a wife And also as a HR professional Please continue to be the amazing human being that you are And I hope to catch up with you soon Take care and wish you loads of happiness, love, good health and success
Poem dedicated to my ex-colleague and friend Rashmi