We hold these up as ideals Self-evident As good Right Correct
While the messy inconsistency Irrationality Splintering of integrity Of our common humanity Is bad Wrong Meant to be overcome and overturned
Seems straightforward
Some may acknowledge the Unattainability But not question the correctness Of the goal
And yet...
If I were to achieve perfect consistency Through past, present and future Wouldn’t that also mean I stop learning Stop evolving Stop changing
Perhaps the inconsistency irrationality We all feel in ourselves from others Is just a snapshot Of our continual state of change The evolutionary process unfolding in real time
I sometimes wonder if humanity’s greatest strength is the ability To hold To embody Conflicting ideas With equal conviction
Of course Lack of awareness of the inconsistency of our ideas and actions can be frustrating Infuriating In ourselves In others Potentially dangerous Especially in our leaders
But perhaps cognitive dissonance Is not a malady to cure Or a failing of our nature that we must fight a losing battle to overcome
But an opportunity To decide: How will I change next?