I've been building you for years now Careful, poised and true Ive coded in your feelings And every single bruise Ive etched in each memory With the finest blades, It was all to keep you safe
But its time I think For some major upgrades There's so much we need to change...
Your positivity needs an update It was hacked by pessimism long ago And it's infected everything So it all needs to go.
Let's add more sunshine, more rainbows Everything beautiful, that's where it goes.
Im overriding your worries They've spammed your mind too much They're meant to be small warnings, Not an unnecessary clutch.
Let's take them down a notch And insert some wisdom instead Quotes and memories and poetry To serve you through the worrying.
We can add a music function For when the world becomes too much Just listen to the sounds To keep you sane and such.
I suppose we should also Talk about tomorrow We've lived on yesterday far too long Always expecting by tomorrow We'd be gone
It's about time we look forward So I've added in some goals Some plans for you To work towards. Of course I promise rewards.
I'll schedule regular maintenance From now on Because you deserve To be cared for. Even on the days you feel Far too gone.