And heroes become many? Live and let prosper... A few in love, perhaps fewer than any But capable at moments, of life to serve
Consider me a method in gave Supposed chances, now subtle in hope To these we find, a lucre to save Persuaded by may, the first of them in forth...
Welling heed To accept the tone of a voice With the forces we know, live for our need To these we condone, a new many with choice
Time in its long run, has seen our problems Safety of a known care, to alleviate a keeping soul With these powers, and purpose to understate a whim The craving of joy, is itself, for those that know why marvels grow old
Sense made, season attested Can our worth's and lasts of what opinion will, with Be together in fame and fashion, as if a character blessed? With but a stoney kiss, the dreams we fate for another, have is...